Deep Swing - In The Music Original mixс фильма Смокинг

На этой странице можно найти текст песни Deep Swing - In The Music Original mixс фильма Смокинг, прослушать композицию онлайн в хорошем качестве в формате mp3 и скачать на высокой скорости

Артист: Deep Swing

Название трека: In The Music (Original mix)(с фильма Смокинг)

Время проигрывания: 03:55

Добавлено: 2014-12-10

Прослушали: 635


Дискография исполнителя Deep Swing
Текст песни:

Yea… are you ready ?….
You got everything that I want. Now.
Do you like what you see?
Is it right or it's wrong?
Do you want what I want? Now.
Do you see what I see?
Go whereever you want. Now
Did whoever you like.
I got the love in the music
I got the soul in the music
I got the love in the music
Getting deep, in the mix…
Go whereever you want. Now
Do you like what I see?
What you thinking right now?
Is it right or it's wrong?
I got the love…in the music
I got the sound…in the music
I got the love…in the music
Getting deep the mix…
You got everything that I want. Now.
Do you like what you see?
Is it right or it's wrong?
I want you to go ON! Hey!
Do you feel what I feel?
I don't care who you are
I just want you to dance... dance... dance...
Everybody dance…
It's a family thing.
You 're all welcome here…
My family
the love
the energy
….in the music …in the music
….in the music …in the music
….in the music …in the music
….in the music …in the music
….in the music …in the music
You got everything that I want. Now.
Do you like what you see?
Is it right or it's wrong?

Видео клип БИС-КВИТ. Пьяццолла.Забвение. Танго. drum&bass /BIS-QUIT. Astor Piazzolla. Oblivion. Tango
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